We rented a house with the Leo's and the Hook's and all 9 of us partied the weekend away in Sunriver! With three toddlers, the sleep was limited but the laughs were unlimited! Fortunately each bedroom had a walk-in closet so each baby got their "own" bedroom! The mommies got massages on Friday. The daddies golfed on Saturday. All of us hit the Prineville Rodeo to cap off a great weekend! There are over 300 pictures so bear with me as I slowly add them! Check back for updates!
Carson & Daddy bonding!

Daddies and babies getting ready to head into the Lava Tubes. They didn't realize until they got down a half mile that it was FREEZING cold and everyone was wearing shorts!

More daddy time!

This car is so fun!
I don't need toys! Just this cardboard box is fine!
Andrew didn't think anybody was watching . . . Carson was just taking too long on the car!
Andrew and Daddy Jay
Time for drinks at the pre-rodeo party!
Pretty little cowgirl Eloise!
Just too darn cute!
Hey little lady! Can I get you an ice cube?