Thursday, October 26, 2006

Week 16- Professional Pics & Scary Monster

Carson just happens to make the CUTEST lion ever!! Happy Halloween!!

This IS my scary face Mom!!
I'm going to try out for the Wizard of Oz!
Finally out of my costume! Now I'm just a regular baby boy!

Mom was trying to multi-task by cooking dinner and entertaining me at the same time. I think I'm ready for food but she doesn't believe me. This is really safer than it looks.

I think someone is right behind me but I'm not sure!

Yep! I'm pretty sure there is a very SCARY monster behind me!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Week 16- Tummy Time with Daddy

Carson usually just hates "Tummy Time" but as this session was especially enjoyable since Daddy was entertaining him with funny faces! Forgive us if these pictures seem somewhat repetitive but trust me when I say, each one is just too cute to delete!!!

Carson's just not sure about Daddy's goofy faces in the mirror! Carson loves to smile but he's a bit cameras shy right now! If you look closely, you can see the spit up starting to leak out of the corner of his mouth!
Why won't Daddy back off? I need a little space ;-)
Now I have room! Watch me push up!
Rocking and rolling . . . not quite but trying.
Trying to get up even higher!Hey Ma! Look at me!

This IS my cute face!

The aftermath of too much tummy time after dinner . . . sorry! Gross picture but it's reality!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Week 15- Pumpkin Patch

What a beautiful fall day! The weather was so warm that short sleeves were necessary! As novice parents, we completely forgot to pack the Baby Bjorn to haul around our heavy son, especially since he fell asleep 10 minutes after we arrived at Plumper's Pumpkin Patch. So we had to forgo any cute baby pictures and settle for just one of the family!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Week 14- Bath Time & Cold Weather Jogging

Carson absolutely loves bathtime! We are now on our third bath tub after a shopping trip to Babies R Us that resulted in Carson doing a "dry run" in every tub for sale. There was a terrible disaster with the second tub . . . it was a two piece unit that decided to spring a leak at Nana & Grandpa Kuntz's house. It flooded the kitchen cooking island and soaked everything surrounding it! The final tub is gigantic! It takes up our whole bath tub but is great because it has side bolsters and a "crotch stop" to keep him in place. We don't have to hold him or worry about him sliding out. He kicks and splashes until the water gets cold. I think he'd stay in there even longer if we let him.

Looking oh so serious in his toucan towel! Getting a chuckle out of himself and how silly he really looks!
Bundled up to run with Mom! He's loving the view now that he's out of the carseat and facing forward!
Decked out in his Nike suit and reclining on a fleece cozy! He enjoys the first mile and sleeps during the next two.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Week 13- The Happy and Sad of It!

C-Man demonstating his "sad face" with the projectile lower lip. This one was not followed by tears but an even bigger sad face.
Now Carson is used to dogs and their slobbery kisses, however, he is not usually on the floor with them. While the adults were busy, little Whitney (a 14 year old Maltese-Poodle) decided to investigate the inside of Carson's mouth . . . with her tounge! By the time any of us realized what was happening, Carson was more than a little unhappy! We rushed in to his rescue and rinsed both of their mouthes with Scope!

What!? Only three fingers this time?
Nana Kelly just couldn't stop smiling as she cuddles her first born grandson!
If you'll notice in the picture above, Carson is not smiling. So Mommy decided to try the trick the photographers at Babies R Us use and make a very loud, high pitched, obnoxious sound, similar to a bird in the rainforest. Well, that completely backfired and resulted in the fourth and worst melt-down Carson has ever experienced. He screamed for a good five minutes. If you wonder why Nana Kuntz is smiling in this picture, it's because we all couldn't stop laughing, as terrible as that sounds! Poor guy!

Week 12- Go Ducks! The Three Youngest Fans Cheer!

Carson, Eloise, & Andrew joined hands to celebrate yet another Duck win! Andrew and Carson are three months old and Eloise is now five months! Carson wasn't sure which camera to look at since there were three going off at once!
Eloise is camera savy and showing off her Mick Jagger impression!
Andrew wins best dressed with his ball cap! Although he doesn't seem quite convinced!
Carson enjoyed tummy time more with a cute girl to look at . . . notice Eloise's hand in the corner as if to say, "It's okay, look at me!"
Daddy, I'm not really ready for your hat yet!!

Week 11- Meeting Eloise Hook! And Another Beach Trip!

Carson met Eloise Hook this evening. This darling girl is a mere 4.5 months of age but already the older woman to Carson's 2.5 months. They didn't plan on the cleverly complimentary outfits or so they told us. Eloise is much more skilled with her hands and has just about perfected sitting up on her own. Carson was very impressed and has added those goals to his to-do list.
Here Carson is flashing his smile at Eloise to impress her since she is so much more advanced! Playing coy, Carson is using the oldest trick in the book to woo his lady friend. Notice how she's reaching out to take his hand already!
Standing with a little assistance, the two cuties realized that Carson is taller than Eloise! However, Eloise won the "roll" contest (and we're not talking about rolling over here!) At last count Carson had two thigh rolls and Eloise had three! He ate an extra bottle that night to catch up!
This was Carson preparing for the big event. He looks a little nervous as he sticks his entire hand in his mouth! We didn't mention to him that it was impolite!
Another wonderful weather weekend in Lincoln City! This time Grandma & Grandpa Levy and Aunt Lori and Uncle Brian joined us to celebrate Jeremy's birthday. Check out the blue sky and short sleeves!
Grandpa Levy and Carson had a contest to see who had more hair. We think Carson won . . . by a hair! Hehehe!Uncle Brian spent most of the weekend making Carson smile!Grandma Levy teaching Carson "Pat a Cake"More Uncle Brian making Carson smile!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Week 10- Bathtime, Exersaucer & Duck Family

Carson absolutely loves his bathtime! The only problem is he has rapidly outgrown his current tub! His head sticks out over the top and his feet are squished against the bottom! Speaking of bottom, that about his only body part actually in the water. So we're shopping for a new tub for gigantic babies!

Carson is just figuring out how to use his hands. The toys in his exersaucer are very interesting to him. Occasionally they make noise and he seems somewhat confused. He bats at the noise makers and usually makes them move but he doesn't seem quite convinced that he did it himself. This afternoon, Carson was trying to cheer up his Nana (Grandma Kuntz) so he wrote her a little note!

Mom and Dad attended the now infamous University of Oregon versus Oklahoma game and we all dressed up for the event. Carson spent the day with his Aunt Lori and Uncle Brian. They took him to a birthday party and spent lots of time playing with him. He had a blast! Mommy and Daddy also enjoyed a day to themselves . . . with 55,000 other people!

Week 9- First Trip Away from Home to the Beach! Also, Playing in the Exersaucer!

Along with Grandpa & Nana Kuntz, Aunt Liza, and Uncle Jeff, we headed out to Lincoln City to stay at Jeremy's family's beach house. Packing took a good three hours! How many diapers will a baby go through in two and a half days? How many changes of clothes will he need? We stuffed the Pathfinder FULL to the brim, making sure to bring the trusty baby papasan chair, pack n play, and . . . somehow managed to forget a jacket for the little guy! Fortunately we lucked out and the weather in Lincoln City was unbelievable! Gorgous sunny days for our first trip away from home! Arriving late Friday night didn't even phase Carson. He took it all in stride and stuck to his sleep schedule of getting up once in the night. Saturday night when 8:30 pm rolled around, he fell right asleep despite the loud noise and bright lights of Kyllo's restaurant. What a champ!

We all trekked down to the beach with Carson in the Bjorn. He slept through half of it . . .

. . . but woke up with his adorable smile!

Suddenly he realizes that we are on a beach and miles (okay maybe a quarter mile) from the nearest bottle!

Earlier in the week, just having a grand ol' time in his exersaucer! He still needs a bit o' padding to not fall backward! Look Ma! I'm holding on to the toy!
Ma! I'm scared to let go! In fact, I don't know how to let go!

Week 7- Just getting Cuter and Cuter!

Sleeping peacefully! So innocent and sweet!
Had to get a little closer!
Nana Kuntz is giving Carson a bath! We can't figure out which one is smiling more!

We take way too many pictures of bath time but it's too precious! Look at those chubby cheeks and that double chin! Once he figured out how to smile, he just can't stop!
Aunt Lori loving on her favorite nephew!
Still smiling! Carson is looking up at himself in a mirror! He's cracking himself up!
Practicing his walk with his tough face on!
Sacked out on a "throne" Daddy made for him! No, that is NOT an Oregon State outfit! Just happens to be orange but he is a Duck at heart!
Two peas in a pod!
This is his gangster look, he's throwing signs but can't look too tough with the binkie in!!

How Old is Carson?

How Old is Keaton?