Carson absolutely loves bathtime! We are now on our third bath tub after a shopping trip to Babies R Us that resulted in Carson doing a "dry run" in every tub for sale. There was a terrible disaster with the second tub . . . it was a two piece unit that decided to spring a leak at Nana & Grandpa Kuntz's house. It flooded the kitchen cooking island and soaked everything surrounding it! The final tub is gigantic! It takes up our whole bath tub but is great because it has side bolsters and a "crotch stop" to keep him in place. We don't have to hold him or worry about him sliding out. He kicks and splashes until the water gets cold. I think he'd stay in there even longer if we let him.
Looking oh so serious in his toucan towel!

Getting a chuckle out of himself and how silly he really looks!

Bundled up to run with Mom! He's loving the view now that he's out of the carseat and facing forward!

Decked out in his Nike suit and reclining on a fleece cozy! He enjoys the first mile and sleeps during the next two.

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