Look at our little strong man!! He is loving tummy time and holding up his head! Here he is propped up on the boppy pillow.
Once again, trying to show off! Carson is pushing himself up to get a view of the room!
We actually were lucky enough to catch one of his roll overs on camera!! He surprised us all several times by rolling over. Sometimes he does it out of pure frustration but we love it anyway! Poor guy, as soon as he gets on his back, we roll him back over to his tummy!
Mommy, Carson, & Jackson enjoying some floor time! Jackson is really having a hard time adjusting to being number 2. He loves Carson but whenever we're on the floor, he has to be right next to us.
Four generations of Kuntz's!! Great Grandma Kuntz, Grandpa Gary Kuntz, Mommy, & Carson! Great Grandma flew in from California to spend some time with her first great grandson!
Great Grandma Kuntz takes a turn at feeding our little piglet!

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