As most of our friends know, we usually set the record for number of Christmas celebrations we have to attend. There are five and we usually make it to four. With multiple families and extended families, we spread out the cheer for about a week! The first one this year was with my family. Friday night we met at my parents, Nana & Poppa Kuntz with my sister and her husband, Jeff.
We are super fortunate because my darling Aunt Kiki sends our family Lobels steaks for our Christmas gift/dinner. Every year we look forward to the most tender meat. So tender that even Jeremy and Jeff will eat it "Kuntz" style with a lot more red than brown! Yummy! After our scrumptious dinner, we taught Carson how to rip through packages. He caught on quickly! He is the world's most spoiled grandchild!!
Tall tree, tiny Carson!

Nana's had this golf set hidden for at least 6 months!

So exciting! My very own golf clubs!

This stockings is as tall as me!!

Oh boy! Another talking remote control! Just enough to drive my parents crazy!

This is a big one!

Wow! My very own BBQ!! I wonder if it will fit in the living room?

What could this giant thing under a sheet be??

I am the LUCKIEST boy! My very own John Deere gator!!

I love it!

And a mini gator too!!! I must have been very, very good this year!

Please, please, somebody sit next to me!

Poppa is really good at making it go forward and backward!

Just chillin' with my feet on the dash.

Mommy's turn!!

Nana can fit too!

Uncle Jeff is a good drive!

Daddy likes it too! I had to try it once more before bedtime, see my pajamas!

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