I have received several complaints about my lack of blogging lately! I am truly sorry but life has been incredibly busy! Between getting our taxes ready for the accountant, Carson teething again, and work being insanely busy, I just haven't had time to do anything else. Did I mention one of our renters left the home just filthy and I've been trying to get that dealt with! Gross and disrespectful!
Any any rate, here are some updated pics and fun times in no particular order!
Carson is okay about sharing his toys until Ian comes to hang out. Carson just becomes extra possessive and jerky. Ian's favorite toy at our house is the cozy coupe. Well, Carson tried to make it an extra cozy coupe. You can clearly see that Ian does not appreciate being a back seat driver! In fact, there is no back seat! Get off him Carson!!

We have done some dog-sitting lately for Nana & Papa (Jeremy just informed me that I've been spelling "Poppa" wrong). Carson loves to sit in "NiNi's" crate. That's his version of Whitney.

He even shut himself in. I was VERY tempted to lock it. So very tempted.

We often lend out toys and other baby paraphenilia to friends. It's like Christmas for Carson when an old/new toy comes up from the shop on its way out or if something gets returned to us. Here he is enjoying his old activity table. But now he's big enough to use it as a chair!

A lot of Carson's friends are getting their potty's already. We have not ventured down that path yet but Carson clearly knows that a potty is for "poo poo" as he tells us. Here he is at Ian's enjoying a moment on the practice throne!

Just goofin around with Jeremy & Ian! Or as Carson calls him, "Neenan". It's adorable because he will point to Ian's carset and say Neenan! Or as we pull up to his driveway, Neenan, Neenan!!!
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