Carson had his girlfriend Kinley over for dinner this weekend. They enjoyed the warm spring evening and we enjoyed beer and pizza. Carson is the world's PICKIEST eater so I tricked him into thinking he was getting a Jamba Juice for dinner. All that means is that I dumped a yogurt smoothie into his sippy cup. Well he sucked it down in record time and said, "Moh Jamba". Well, I was just ecstatic that he was eating so I quickly figured out how to make another "jamba" for him. I threw some vanilla yogurt, whole milk, and honey into his sippy cup and shook it up. He sucked that down in three minutes flat. Terrific, right? Wrong!
Kinley's daddy pointed out that Carson was choking on something. ?? How could he be choking if he wasn't eating anything? So I called him over and he looked pretty unhappy. He laid on my chest and rested his head on my shoulder. That's when I felt it . . . little "urps" in his chest. I leaned back and pushed him over my shoulder as quickly as I could as he exploded "Jamba" all over!! What I didn't think about was where his little tiny tummy would store 32 ounces of frothie yogurt!! OOPS!!
Kinley didn't seem to mind, nor did Carson. Actually he felt much better and proceeded to keep playing! Poor Jeremy was left cleaning up the mess!
I've fallen and I can't get up!! Help!

Thank you pretty lady!

This is my "umbra"

Dating is fun!

So is smacking the table!

Kinley can do it too!

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