His skill of climbing of his Pack n Play transferred to his crib. Yesterday as I was putting Carson's clean clothes away, I hear, "Mama, neigh, neigh" along with tounge clicking noises (Carson's version of clip-clopping). I turned around, confused because we don't have any horse items in his room, and Carson is straddling the top rail of his crib, riding it like "Aunt Ziza" rides her horse. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing!!
Carson is talking a lot more but Thursday was the first day of almost all two word "sentences". I can't tell you how exciting such a small step is to a new parent. I was bursting with pride all day and couldn't wait to tell Daddy when he got home from his business trip. It has continued for several days and we are overjoyed!
He continues to be a total ham and definitely is an entertainer. He is learning how to "fake" sleep with his eyes tightly shut and a pretend snore. Hilarious.
His only speed is still run.
I am absolutely DYING to give Carson his 2nd birthday present early!!! I lost my eBay virginity bidding on a German LikeABike. It is a "glider bike", basically a bike with a special steering wheel limiter and without pedals. The European way to teach a child how to ride a bike. They sit on it, run, and learn to balance on it by picking up their feet. www.likeabikeusa.com/ We got the "Jumper" version. Mostly because I found a used one on eBay. Did totally lose my mind in the bidding war and paid more than I had planned on!!! But when it arrived, it was virtually brand new so I felt a little better about my lack of self control.
I'm even toying with the idea of taking it on our Sunriver trip and pretending to find it in the garage so he can ride it there. Then hiding it for the trip home and giving it to him for his birthday. Thoughts?? Am I crazy?
Nana & Poppa watched Carson Thursday since I had to work and Jeremy was on a flight back from Cali. Apparently Carson wante to wear my shoes, so Nana tied them on as tight as she could. She said it was much funnier in person because the picture doesn't do justice to just how BIG the shoes were on him. But he was loving it!
We headed out Friday for a fun trip to the zoo but it was PACKED with a zillion school kids and it was raining so Plan B came into play. Literally, decided to play at the Children's Museum instead. A few cute pics.
In the director's chair, directing for a good 10 minutes!
This funny little girl pushed her way in behind Carson to sit on the directors chair. He didn't seem to mind and kept on directing!
Kellon singing his heart out on stage! Actually he was just spitting into the fake microphone we discovered later. Notice how his knees are soaked from the water play area. The boys (7 months apart) steering the train
Baby Ellie is now 13 months old and walking!
Carson LOVED the train table! Notice his white trash white undershirt. We were prepared and layered for the zoo, not getting soaking wet at the Children's Museum. Sorry guy!
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