So it finally happened. We were camping in Champoeg Park this weekend. The first night was fairly uneventful. Carson's pack n play is perched up on the "dining room" table converted to a double bed. In other words, it is about a foot off the ground. He slept find but got up early.
That day Nana & Poppa, "Ziza" and "Ga" came to have lunch with us at the campground. We all enjoyed lounging in the sun and hanging out. Carson was NOT interested in taking a nap even though we'd postponed it to 1 pm. For nap time, his pack n play is on the floor of the camper in between the couch and the dining room. I took him in after he said his night-nights to the gang. I turned up the "rain" in the camper, shut the door, and turned on the monitor.
We were all entertained for a good 30 minutes with his chatter:
Poppa Nana meem meem (Poppa and Nana rode their motorcycle here for a visit)
Poppa meem meem go! (Poppa take your motorcycle and get going!)
Poppa meem meem NO! (Poppa I really like to look at your motorcycle but I don't want to ride it)
We were joking about how funny it would be if we looked over and saw his little face peeking at us through the mini-blinds.
Thanks to the monitor we heard some odd clickings and hitting noises. Then it got quiet. I thought we were in the clear, he had finally fallen asleep. A few minutes went by.
Then there were more strange noises that sounded like Carson had actually picked up the monitor and rubbed it on his shirt or something. Jeremy got suspicious and headed over to the door. About 8 feet from the door, the monitor suddenly beeping wildly. It only does that for one reason . . . it lost it's connection to the base unit. Which could only mean one thing . . . I absolutely lost it laughing at that point because Carson had obviously escaped from his prison and was trying to sabotage our spy technique.
Jeremy ripped open the door and there he was was. Standing there with the monitor in his hand and looking as guilty as a two year old can look. I couldn't help it and laughed even harder. Jeremy slammed the door shut and we heard howling from within. Carson knew he was in big trouble and cried with all his might.
I got in trouble for laughing and then we all started laughing again. Fortunately he went to sleep instantly this time. Who knows what we'll do next time!
Another funny event. Our beer opener in the camper sings the University of Oregon Duck Football fight song when you crack open a bottle. I was trying to figure out how it worked but was stumped. Jeremy figured it out and taught Carson the secret. For your viewing pleasure (and remember to turn up your volume).
It wasn't me!
Nana & Poppa- Meem meem! Lunch crew
This zerrbert thing is hilarious!
Camping is the best!
Giddyup Mommy!
Whoa there! This horse is waaay bigger than Nana & Poppa's.
Tractors are my favorite!
Darn it! Where's my John Deere hat?
Trick Rider!
Trick dismount! Jump!
Trick or treat!
My new camping friend Cameron lent me his scooter! Wow! This is so sweet!
Where did my diapers go?
First attempt at campfire cooking! Roasted potatoes!
Cheddar brauts and crunchy potatoes! Yum!
Mac & cheese & milk! Yum!
Hat swap!
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