Sunday found us visiting the Thomas the Train for Andrew's 2nd birthday party! It had a bit of hilarious start. The three families met at Starbucks at 8:30 am to grab coffees and caravan out to Hood River. We milled around chatting and watching the kids play.
Suddenly Andrew's mom (aka party coordinator) looked at her watch and her eyes completely bugged out of her head. In utter shock, she realized that our meeting time was off by an hour! We were supposed to be in Hood River by 9:15 for our 10 am train departure. It was 8:45. The drive normally takes 75 minutes. You do the math! We all grabbed kids, stuffed them into their carseats and took off down the freeway at 85 mph.
We set world speed records and somehow made it to Hood River, found the parking lot, loaded everyone onto a shuttle bus, and boarded Thomas the Train with 9 minutes to spare! It was crazy!
Eloise, Carson, & Birthday Boy Andrew! All Aboard!

Boys only!

Killer blue eyes!

Go Daddy Go!


Stand in line for a picture? No way!

The Leos and Thomas

The Hooks & Thomas

There were 5 huge train tables!

Choo choo!

Mama's Boy

Sir Topham Hat. Carson is squeezing my back so hard in fear in this picture.

Marching & maracas in the parade

Andrew- completely airborne in the parade!

Toot toot!

Sweet whistle man!

Today is great!

The birthday crew!

Future super model!

New family member with the Leos

The petting zoo!

I swear! I'm out of food! Leave me alone!

Slightly scary, large conductor of the small train

Riding a freakishly small train.

Running out of steam toward the end. Time for a piggyback ride.

Picnic in the gorge!

Checking out the windsurfers!

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