The salesmen at Sears grew weary if us riding up and down the escalator and trying out every riding lawn mower. I grew weary of Jeremy shooting daggers out of his eyes at Carson and his antics. We spent our fortune and moved on to the indoor play park. Hopefully we got the right set for the right price.
Oaks Park- Fun outing with Grandma & Grandpa Levy to Oaks Park Saturday evening. We couldn't have asked for better weather!! A bit spendy for a dad and a toddler to ride a handful of small rides but priceless for Carson's enjoyment.
Holding on for dear life but letting go long enough to wave at my fans!
This morning I was 15 minutes late dropping Carson off for daycare. Why? Because Carson insisted on sitting on his potty for 15 minutes trying to make poop. In the end we celebrated two toots but walked away empty. I was kind of relieved and disappointed all at the same time.
Carson has WAY more books than most kids his age simply because of the vast number of teacher friends I have. But even with three full baskets, we get a little bored. I just recently started making Monday trips to the library to spice up our reading time. It's been so FUN and Carson is LOVING the variety. Daddy was a bit overwhelmed with the "kit" I brought home yesterday. SEVEN potty books. Doesn't sound like a big deal but when you consider Carson insists on reading each book 3 times in a row, that's a lot of pee pee, wee wee, and poo poo.