Bad blogging mommy! A busy and slow week. Jeremy was horribly sick and in bed, quaratined with a nasty throat virus. So I was basically a single parent this week. Here are a few cute pics from the past few weeks.
On the boat with Grandpa Rader!

Celebrating the DUCKS with cousin Thomas. It was not an easy picture.

Scowls all around.

Sick toddler crashed out cold on the couch. Crying one minute and sound asleep the next. For my paranoid friends, he is in no danger of suffocating! I promise ;-)

How do you entertain a sick toddler? Let him try on his Halloween costume after watching the Nemo movie 12 times in a row.

Not an easy one to sit in!

Tired Nemo

Waiting in line to see the new baby elephant at the zoo today!

Little Sammy was adorable! But no flash photography made for challenging picture taking. Plus the zoo volunteers herded us through like a bunch of er, elephants!

Somehow our pudgy little boy grew up in the last two weeks. In spite of not eating for 5 days when he was sick, he still weighed in at 30 pounds. His legs are looking long and lean these days! Hopefully that means he got Daddy's long legs and not Mommy's stubs!

Carson is talking up a storm!! We are thrilled!
This past week was his first at "nu sku". It went terrifically!! He loves going there and it just warms my heart to know we have found the right place for him. They are potty training him and he's already peed in the potty twice! AND he takes his naps withOUT a binkie there!!
Stupid me. I knew better but thought what the heck. Since he can take a nap without a binkie at school, I tried it at home. Duh! I cut the tip off one of his binkies and tried giving him that one at bedtime. It did not work at all and he cried for 30 minutes. I caved and gave him another one.
So now he clutches the "broken boboo" in his hand and sucks the life out of the other one.
Maybe I'll cut him off cold turkey after Christmas.
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