Today was Carson's first day at his new daycare or "nu sku" as he calls it. The morning started out ominously with a 5:45 am wake up and crying but he didn't have a fever. He fell back asleep at 7:30 and I had to wake him up at 9:15 to get him to school in time for my appointments.
He was excited the whole way there for nu sku and big trucks but cried when he realized that I was leaving him there. Not abnormal. But my phone rang at 11:10 . . . fever of 101.5, drooling like crazy, and a nasty cough. WHAT?!
Being a working mom is tough! I had to drop everything, cancel the rest of my appointments for the day, and pick up Carson. He is now on the couch watching Nemo for the 342nd time.
He is also drinking his "poopoo juice" . . . that's toddler speak for apple juice spiked with laxative. We are now on day four without a BM. Poor little guy!! So far 4 doses of laxative in less than 24 hours and no movement. Yikes.
And at last, pictures of our beach weekend!
Carson, Jackson and I walked to the beach and it was very windy and cold.

So we walked all the way back to the car (Carson decided to walk backwards, which could be used as a form of Chinese torture, as it took FOREVER) and got jackets!

Not sure what we're looking at!?!?

Ready for the boat!

Also ready for the boat! That's hot!

Off we go!

Look out crabs! Here we come!

Lots of clams!

And hardly any crabs. 2 maybe?

Grandma Rader is getting the clams ready to fry up!

Daddy's chillin' in between pulling up pots!

Lots of crabs but all "ladies" and you can't harvest the ladies!

The crew!
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