Monday, stuck at home.
Tuesday, we carpooled. Daddy to work, Carson to school, and me shopping and errand-running like mad to get it all done before the next storm hit that night.
Wednesday, Daddy worked from home. Carson to school and me finishing up the shopping and errand running. Went to SIX major stores in search of snow boots and a snow bib for Carson. Finally struck gold at the Columbia Sportswear employee store. I am fortunate enough to be on the "in" list because of one of my super sweet clients. Unfortunately I just found out that tomorrow is her last day so I got really lucky to get there in time.
I wrapped up the boots, little tiny ski socks, a new jacket, and snow bibs for Carson. He thought he got Christmas early as he quickly unwrapped his "presents".
But first, a little multi-tasking!
First snow day, making cookies!And even better, eating cookies!
An early Christmas present!
New boots!
New snowpants! However Carson thought he was getting beer for Christmas! It was hilarious when he shouted "BEER" as he was unwrapping.
A fancy new jacket!
A real ski socks!
Socks?! Who needs socks?!
Put it all together and you've got "cool"
A super short snowman due to very dry snow that didn't pack well!
Look closely and you'll see he is really a beer snowman! Bottlecaps came in handy! And the next morning! He was completely covered in next another round of snow!
Front of the house
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