I remember how long I hunted for Carson's first Christmas vest. Even last year I searched store after store for the perfect Christmas sweater. Clearly I have lost my "new mom" glow and energy.
Carson was dressed this morning in the 2nd to last clean outfit. Today is laundry day so Carson was limited to a snazzy black and white Addias track suit. I was actually okay with it.
Then we had to put him in his room for a time out. ONE whole week of no accidents!! But today broke the streak. Carson took a break from crying (screaming blood murder) to call out "PEE PEE". I sent Daddy in quickly but not quickly enough.
Back up outfit was literally the "back up" outfit. The pants and shirt I keep in the diaper bag for mall emergencies. No Sunday finest for Santa today. I suppose since I am addicted to anything camo, it is only appropriate that Carson was wearing his camo shoes and camo hoodie.
Carson and I made many trips by Santa to acclimate him to the bearded one. Last year was a major meltdown but I had high hopes for this year. Carson waved so hard each time we'd walk by and would yell, "HI SANTA!!" He clung to the fence and would shout out "BIG TRUCKS!!
At one point during our long wait in line, Carson declared that he was going to ask Santa for "guns". This caused a 5 minute practice session of "what are you going to ask Santa for?" until we made sure guns was out of his vocabulary.
45 minutes later it was finally his turn. He danced and pranced waiting for the green light and ran as fast as he could over to the big jolly dude in red. Arms outstretched and gave Santa a HUGE hug! We were thrilled to tears! The pictures speak for themselves.
But now I have to do some detective work to find out where he is learning about guns. He has been pointing things at us lately and making shooting noises. We're just not ready for that yet.
The past three Christmases:

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