Maui was amazing! The kids had a fantastic time and played very well together. Nothing out of the ordinary for three two and a half year olds! Even the airplane ride was pretty uneventful, phew!
Our rooms were awesome! The main hang out area was a living room, kitchen and dining room. There was a bedroom on each side of that for the Leo's and the Hooks. We were just down the hall a little ways in our own bedroom but it had a washer/dryer and kitchenette! Talk about making it an easy vacation!
The weather cooperated pretty darn well considering it is "winter" in Hawaii ;-) Only one or two rain showers and two days of gale force winds.
I sprinkled a few videos in. I promise they are all very short and cute. Please turn up your volume to really enjoy them. The high pitched giggles and voices are worth it!
Before we even got on the plane, the boys discovered how to keep themselves entertained. I thought it was great! Daddy wasn't so sure.
First time in his own seat!
The boys "cheers-ing" before our first dinner in Maui
Watching the hula dancers
Eating lunch on the balcony after pool time
Playing a little ping pong!
Eating lunch by the pool
Upside down shades
Aren't I cute!
Daddy pic before the luau
Still young enough for matching outfits
My fair lady
Luau time yet?
Happy family!
This was absolutely hilarious! Eloise and her daddy went up on stage to learn how to hula during the luau. I didn't think Carson would be interested so he and I sat below the stage to take pictures. All of the sudden he snuck up on the stage front and center. He LOVES to be the center of attention, wonder where he got that from ;-)
No encouragement needed!

I heart Eloise!

Boys learning how to kill time in a hotel room!
Burning off energy before dinner - take 1
Burning off Engery before dinner - Take 2
Making a Goldfish disappear at the Maui Aquarium Cafe
More pictures to follow from the other families in the next few weeks.
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