Up until yesterday I was convinced we were having a boy.
The Chinese calendar said that Carson would be a boy. True. The Chinese calendar has been right for everyone I know that's done it. It said boy for B2 as well.
Plus I've just felt it was a boy all along.
Then my girlfriend found out on Wednesday that she was having a boy, and at her 12 week ultrasound (US). She sent me the US pic and there was clearly a penis.
So of course, I instantly pulled out Carson's 12 week US pic and low and behold, there was a penis that I'd never noticed before (we didn't find out until 18 weeks with him). It was really shocking that I missed it back then.
Then, I dug out B2's 12 week ultrasound and there was NO SIGN of a penis. This completely made me question my boy thoughts.
Today was the most amazing day! For those who laughed and teased me about going in early and paying out of pocket to find out the gender of baby #2, it was TOTALLY worth it!!!
We started with a fun lunch at Red Robin with Grandma & Grandpa Rader, Nana & Poppa, and Aunt Liza and Uncle Ga. Then we all headed into Ultrasona Feta Fotos. While in the waiting room, we heard a very dismayed voice in the ultrasound room say, "But it was supposed to be a girl!"
This gave me shivers since we really, really want a boy and clearly this mom didn't get what she wanted. Then she came out, with two boys already in tow! Obviously she was hoping #3 was a girl.
We all piled into the room and anxiously watched the large TV screen in the corner. The ultrasound technician was wonderful and let us all watch the baby jump around. I, of course, was searching the screen of any sign of a penis. I thought I saw it but it can be confused with the umbilical cord so I didn't want to freak out.
Then the tech showed us with her pointer .......................... a PENIS!!!! We are having a boy!!!!
We all cheered and clapped and spent the next 15 minutes watching the most active little baby boy you've ever seen. This was the third technician to tell us that he is much busier than an average baby.
The super sweet technician even treated us to a free bonus! The 3D/4D ultrasound!! We are so lucky! It was pretty amazing to see our little 4 inch baby kicking and punching. The only scary part was that at 15 weeks, the bones are just starting to solidify so they don't always show up on the screen.
For a good minute (which felt like an eternity), I thought our baby only had one leg. I finally asked her about it and she reassured me that both legs were there! It was a little scary and my mom told me later that she was thinking the same thing.
On the way home, Jeremy told me that he is so glad we are having a boy and is so excited for "brothers" but that he realized we would never know what it would be like to raise a girl. Princess dresses, tea parties, and prom dresses . . . I started crying, which surprised both of us.
I'll blame it on the hormones because I am truly excited we are having a boy. But yes, my girl name that I've had picked out for years will get tucked into a memory bank somewhere because we are only having two children.
3D/4D Sideview- this is the infamous "one legged" baby shot.
Working on posting video of ultrasound. Check back if it's not up the first time!
If you ever need a girl fix, come on over! And I have seen Carson in a princess dress. I am sure there will be more princess dresses in your future with this little boy, too!