The lady fitting him called him, "a perfect little gentleman" and said he was the most cooperative little boy she'd worked with in a long time. I just hope he'll be as cooperative for the wedding!
XS Shirt accented with a hand tattoo
Really? Black shiny shoes? I don't think so Mom!
Carson Update: I've bragged about Carson's Good Nite Lite to every other mother and definitely sold a few lights for that company. Unfortunately we experienced a complete failure of the system on Friday morning.
Carson woke up at 6:30, ignored the fact that his light was still a blue moon and came out of this room. He is not allowed to come out until it's an orange sun. I had to put him back in his room THREE times! Much crying ensued. It happened again the very next morning.
Then the Target toy catalog arrived. Carson drooled over every item and declared, "Mommy me NEED it" . . . . and he declared it for at least two items on each page. But he definitely got stuck on the Handy Manny tool box. Handy Manny is his favorite show right now. He watches two-four episodes a day. Our DVR religiously records them.
Being the sucker that I am, we went to Target immediately for this little treasure (not knowing that it sings a VERY loud, obnoxious song and the tools dance up and down with glee). However, we made a deal. Carson has to wait in his room until the light turns orange or Handy Manny's tool box goes in the closet for the whole day.
This morning at 6:30, "Mommy, Mommy". I ignored it. "Mommy, mommy." Forget about it. Then he opened his door and came into my room with the announcement, "Me poopy Mommy" (translated to he needs to poop). So I helped him with his business, took him back to his room and re-explained our "deal".
I think he got it because he didn't come out until exactly 6:45 on the dot. I am SO curious to see what happens tomorrow.
B2 Update: 13 weeks- I was so excited to start working out again on Friday! It had been 8 weeks since my last Baby Boot Camp work out!
Class was killer and Trainer Danielle KICKED MY BUTT! I had no idea muscles could atrophy so quickly. I could barely keep up and was incredibly sore the next day. In fact now two days later, I'm still super sore. I did take it somewhat easy in class, half walking, half running, and adapted most of the high impact exercises into low impact. I even walked two miles the next day to try to work out the soreness.
Unfortunately I woke up to spotting this morning. This is so frustrating and disappointing. I thought the blood clot issues were behind us and yet, here I am again. I am not worried about the baby but will have to call my midwife in the morning to report the spotting. And I am pretty sure she's going to tell me no working out for at least another two weeks.
It's just so hard to accept the fact that Carson's pregnancy was so easy and normal, and nothing has been that way with this pregnancy or the miscarriage pregnancy. Life likes to keep you on your toes I suppose.
Another update, none of my maternity pants from last time fit. They're all too big!! So I went shopping yesterday. Nothing fit quite right until I accidentally tried on the Seven For All Mankind Maternity Jeans.
Anyone with a denim fetish will know exactly what I'm talking about. These jeans are about as expensive as they come but fit LIKE A GLOVE!! I LOVED THEM!!! I can't stop thinking about them. But I just can't find a way to justify $210 for a pair of jeans that I will wear for the next 5-6 months.
I've been searching eBay all night and morning for a used pair but haven't found the perfect pair just yet. I have some time as I'm still in my regular jeans with the help of a Bella Band. Keep your fingers crossed that eBay comes through for me!
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