20 Weeks Preggo with Carson
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Baby Bump Update- Halfway to D-Day!
A bit belated but here are the 20 week belly bump pics. Very interesting progress! I'm actually looking a bit smaller with Keaton than I was with Carson.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Flippers Finally!
Carson is taking swim classes at Children of the Sea. The instructors are amazing and he is learning so quickly. He doesn't love going under water (totally a side affect of my genetic phobia of water & fish) but he doesn't have a choice.
Here is a clip of "under wa-wa" as he says.
Arm floaties are usually used once during class to help the kids discover their own buoyancy. This class (our 3rd or 4th), Carson graduated to the larger floaties that aren't locked in place on his bicep. These force him to take more control over his arms. In this game, the kids swim around collecting toys to put back in the teacher's bucket. If you look closely, he has one in each hand but is still aiming for a third.
Last (and long due to the fact that I don't have editing software) is Carson "swimming" with his brand new goggles and flippers. He is in SEVENTH HEAVEN! It's all he's talked about for the first 3 lessons, "slippers" and "goggas". He finally got them both and was the only kid to leave the goggles on for the entire lesson.
Keaton Update: Keaton is kicking hard enough now for Daddy to feel it for the first time last night. Very exciting for Daddy.
Keaton is somewhere around 12-13 ounces right now. Hard to believe that he's probably going to grow another 8 pounds in the next 5 months. I'm going to be HUGE once again!
Here is a clip of "under wa-wa" as he says.
Arm floaties are usually used once during class to help the kids discover their own buoyancy. This class (our 3rd or 4th), Carson graduated to the larger floaties that aren't locked in place on his bicep. These force him to take more control over his arms. In this game, the kids swim around collecting toys to put back in the teacher's bucket. If you look closely, he has one in each hand but is still aiming for a third.
Last (and long due to the fact that I don't have editing software) is Carson "swimming" with his brand new goggles and flippers. He is in SEVENTH HEAVEN! It's all he's talked about for the first 3 lessons, "slippers" and "goggas". He finally got them both and was the only kid to leave the goggles on for the entire lesson.
Keaton Update: Keaton is kicking hard enough now for Daddy to feel it for the first time last night. Very exciting for Daddy.
Keaton is somewhere around 12-13 ounces right now. Hard to believe that he's probably going to grow another 8 pounds in the next 5 months. I'm going to be HUGE once again!
Monday, April 27, 2009
NO WAY to the Empire Waist
I love shopping. I love shopping with my husband even more because (at the risk of outing him), he is a 1st rate style guy (metro is the appropriate term) and always knows exactly what I should buy. But when it comes to maternity clothes, I have to have "slim" fit tops. I just can't stand the empire waist!!!
We have two weddings coming up in the next two weeks and I was desperately searching for something to wear. I exhausted all possibilities at two high end maternity stores. Everything made me look HUGE from all angles. I am one of the lucky preggos that smuggles the basketball so I really hate looking huge when I don't have to. Lucky, but I also work out 4-5 days a week and don't eat for two.
On the verge of a breakdown, I dragged Jeremy into my absolute most favorite store in the world, White House Black Market. I explained my dire circumstances to the saleswomen.
"Dress my bump ladies!" was my plea. And they jumped into action! Flying around the store, throwing dress after dress, skirts and shirts into the dressing room with incredible accuracy.
I'm not kidding when I save everything single thing I tried on looked amazing!! I could have bought one of each and maxed out our credit card bill in 10 minutes flat!
Then I tried on THE outfit! It fit every curve, hid every unflattering section, and looked like it was made just for me. I told everyone, STOP, this is the ONE! But everyone was so energized, the dresses kept coming!
I ended up with two gorgeous outfits that are even in my normal size so the best part is that I get to wear them even after I am bump-free. Thank God for today's accomodating styles and the wonderful saleswomen at Black/White!
We have two weddings coming up in the next two weeks and I was desperately searching for something to wear. I exhausted all possibilities at two high end maternity stores. Everything made me look HUGE from all angles. I am one of the lucky preggos that smuggles the basketball so I really hate looking huge when I don't have to. Lucky, but I also work out 4-5 days a week and don't eat for two.
On the verge of a breakdown, I dragged Jeremy into my absolute most favorite store in the world, White House Black Market. I explained my dire circumstances to the saleswomen.
"Dress my bump ladies!" was my plea. And they jumped into action! Flying around the store, throwing dress after dress, skirts and shirts into the dressing room with incredible accuracy.
I'm not kidding when I save everything single thing I tried on looked amazing!! I could have bought one of each and maxed out our credit card bill in 10 minutes flat!
Then I tried on THE outfit! It fit every curve, hid every unflattering section, and looked like it was made just for me. I told everyone, STOP, this is the ONE! But everyone was so energized, the dresses kept coming!
I ended up with two gorgeous outfits that are even in my normal size so the best part is that I get to wear them even after I am bump-free. Thank God for today's accomodating styles and the wonderful saleswomen at Black/White!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's SUPERMAN!!
Two posts in one day!! Be sure to check below for a Baby #2 Update.
Carson is SO lucky the Binkie Fairy brought a Superman costume because tomorrow at his school is "Princess & Superhero Day".
Here he is practicing his moves for tomorrow!
Carson is SO lucky the Binkie Fairy brought a Superman costume because tomorrow at his school is "Princess & Superhero Day".
Here he is practicing his moves for tomorrow!
And It Begins . . .
You hear the mumblings, the whisperings, the guilty sighs. The second child always has fewer pictures, a smaller baby book, and generally is not heralded quite like the first. The "newness" of having a baby isn't quite as new. Yet the second baby is not loved any less. And one should never attempt to measure love or awe by the quantity (or lack) of pictures.
There is truth in this in this second child syndrome. We are nearly halfway through this pregnancy and the blog is sorely lacking in the details of his growth and triumphs. I'm sorry my second son. The days fly by. Each week is over before it begins. I am chasing after your wild older brother and trying to keep up with work, the laundry, the mess (yes, most of which is mine), and the dishes. You are getting the short end of the stick but we love you just as much!
We were very excited to tell Jeremy's Grandpa this weekend that our sweet second son is going to be named Keaton Clifford . . . Clifford being Grandpa's name. It's very important to us to honor our family.
So because Rader is our last name we are honoring Grandpa Larry Rader and Great Grandpa Fred Rader (Jeremy's father's side)
Carson Earl is honoring Grandpa Gary Earl and Great Grandpa Herman Earl (my side of the family).
And Keaton will honor the glorious and abundant Bride Tribe (Jer's mom's side), Great Grandpa Clifford Bride.
Last week we got to see Keaton during our 18 week anatomy ultrasound. He is quite active as usual. Although after feeling him kick quite viciously for three days at 16weeks 6 days, he's been very quiet ever since. Midwife says that's very normal. But it can be unnerving for a mother. I'm sure another week will fly by and he'll be using my gut as a punching bag once more.
The ultrasound went terrifically! All 10 fingers and 10 toes! Heart, brain, and lungs look great! We did have a little surprise that he is measuring bigger than average. I Googled "second babies bigger?" and found an overwhelming majority of second babies do come out larger. I am terrified of anything larger than Carson. A little refresher . . . he was 8 pounds 12 ounces!!! Ayiyi!!
Midwife assures me that labor also tends to go faster with the second baby so the large child will just shoot out. Not sure if that makes me feel better or not.
Pictures of me next week but each day someone comments on how much bigger I am getting. My weight gain is less than half of what it was with Carson at this point so at least it's my tummy and not my tushy.
I'm still working out and running 3-5 days a week, albeit, quite a bit slower. Had to find some larger work out tops to accommodate my rapidly rising baby bump. But I'm going to do my darndest to keep squeezing into my running shorts as long as I can. Hopefully someone will have the decency to tell me when I start squeezing out of them.
There is truth in this in this second child syndrome. We are nearly halfway through this pregnancy and the blog is sorely lacking in the details of his growth and triumphs. I'm sorry my second son. The days fly by. Each week is over before it begins. I am chasing after your wild older brother and trying to keep up with work, the laundry, the mess (yes, most of which is mine), and the dishes. You are getting the short end of the stick but we love you just as much!
We were very excited to tell Jeremy's Grandpa this weekend that our sweet second son is going to be named Keaton Clifford . . . Clifford being Grandpa's name. It's very important to us to honor our family.
So because Rader is our last name we are honoring Grandpa Larry Rader and Great Grandpa Fred Rader (Jeremy's father's side)
Carson Earl is honoring Grandpa Gary Earl and Great Grandpa Herman Earl (my side of the family).
And Keaton will honor the glorious and abundant Bride Tribe (Jer's mom's side), Great Grandpa Clifford Bride.
Last week we got to see Keaton during our 18 week anatomy ultrasound. He is quite active as usual. Although after feeling him kick quite viciously for three days at 16weeks 6 days, he's been very quiet ever since. Midwife says that's very normal. But it can be unnerving for a mother. I'm sure another week will fly by and he'll be using my gut as a punching bag once more.
The ultrasound went terrifically! All 10 fingers and 10 toes! Heart, brain, and lungs look great! We did have a little surprise that he is measuring bigger than average. I Googled "second babies bigger?" and found an overwhelming majority of second babies do come out larger. I am terrified of anything larger than Carson. A little refresher . . . he was 8 pounds 12 ounces!!! Ayiyi!!
Midwife assures me that labor also tends to go faster with the second baby so the large child will just shoot out. Not sure if that makes me feel better or not.
Pictures of me next week but each day someone comments on how much bigger I am getting. My weight gain is less than half of what it was with Carson at this point so at least it's my tummy and not my tushy.
I'm still working out and running 3-5 days a week, albeit, quite a bit slower. Had to find some larger work out tops to accommodate my rapidly rising baby bump. But I'm going to do my darndest to keep squeezing into my running shorts as long as I can. Hopefully someone will have the decency to tell me when I start squeezing out of them.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Easter . . . Times Three
Phew- 4 blog posts in one day! We're almost caught up!
Most everyone knows we usually have three of each holiday to celebrate with our largely branched and spread out family. Here are the first two which occurred on Easter weekend. We still have one more to go tomorrow!
First Easter dinner at Nana & Poppa's! A very special indoor Easter Egg Hunt for One special boy!

Second Easter at Uncle Joe & Aunt Judy's with 12 kids! Another fun Easter egg hunt outdoors! Carson dressed himself and then promptly fell asleep on the way to Dexter, Oregon!
Most everyone knows we usually have three of each holiday to celebrate with our largely branched and spread out family. Here are the first two which occurred on Easter weekend. We still have one more to go tomorrow!
First Easter dinner at Nana & Poppa's! A very special indoor Easter Egg Hunt for One special boy!
Easter Egg Extravaganza
Cutest kid ever!
I know every parent thinks their kid is the cutest but seriously does it get any cuter than this?

Carson is LOVING his swim lessons. We certainly wish we had started them earlier but better late than never. He talks about going "under wa-wa" all the time and has gotten so much more comfortable with water now. Check out this cute bath time video.
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire!
Carson attended the most amazing birthday party ever! Ian's 3rd birthday in the Skyline Fire Station was pretty special to begin with. How many kids get to say they partied next to the fire truck!
After bubbles, a pinata, and some cupcakes, the radio started crackling and an emergency call came in . . . considering this is a volunteer station, it was pretty unusual.
Fortunately, Ian's dad (the volunteer captain) and two of his crew members were finished with their cupcakes and jumped into action. We scrambled to make sure all the kids were out of the way as the firefighters suited up. The truck rumbled out with sirens wailing and lights flashing.
In awe and excitement, all the parents and kids chased the truck down the driveway and waved good-bye and good luck. The truck turned right, then right again, then stopped! That's when we all saw the huge plume of thick black smoke! Just a football field's length away, in perfect viewing distance!
What are the odds?? We were all laughing that Ian's mommy and daddy staged the whole thing. But in a bit of sober reality, there was actually a Ford Explored completely on fire, next to another car, and a 100 gallon diesel tank attached to a store!
We gawked as the flames shot in the air and the tires started exloding! The firefighters got it under control and we went back to the opening presents. I'm not sure who had more fun, the firefighters, the parents, or the kids!

Where's the loot?

After bubbles, a pinata, and some cupcakes, the radio started crackling and an emergency call came in . . . considering this is a volunteer station, it was pretty unusual.
Fortunately, Ian's dad (the volunteer captain) and two of his crew members were finished with their cupcakes and jumped into action. We scrambled to make sure all the kids were out of the way as the firefighters suited up. The truck rumbled out with sirens wailing and lights flashing.
In awe and excitement, all the parents and kids chased the truck down the driveway and waved good-bye and good luck. The truck turned right, then right again, then stopped! That's when we all saw the huge plume of thick black smoke! Just a football field's length away, in perfect viewing distance!
What are the odds?? We were all laughing that Ian's mommy and daddy staged the whole thing. But in a bit of sober reality, there was actually a Ford Explored completely on fire, next to another car, and a 100 gallon diesel tank attached to a store!
We gawked as the flames shot in the air and the tires started exloding! The firefighters got it under control and we went back to the opening presents. I'm not sure who had more fun, the firefighters, the parents, or the kids!
Swing Ian Swing!
Eh batta batta batta!
The firefighters are suiting up!
Ian's daddy gets to drive the truck! Whee-ooo, whee-ooo!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Trials and Tribulations of Self-Dressing
Monday, April 06, 2009
Pics Finally!
I am having the most wonderful accidental day off ever! There's just something awesome about staying at home when you had a full day of work planned. Embarrassingly I showed up to drop Carson off at Ian's house this morning, completely forgetting that we agreed to take today off.

Talk about egg on my face!! This is what happens when a preggo forgets to write something down on her calendar. I was stuck because I was heading to Baby Boot Camp and didn't have a stroller to take Carson. Ian's daddy graciously agreed to take the boys to the park. It even gave me enough time to grocery shop before picking Carson back up.
We headed home and enjoyed an afternoon in the sun, a quick nap (Carson only), a self-done-ugly-but-free pedicure (Mommy onl), and now we are watching "The Secret Lives of Moms" on Oprah. I don't think I've gotten to watch Oprah since Carson was a little baby.
Tonight is Carson's first official swim lesson at Children of the Sea. He is super excited . . . he thinks we're going to Hawaii tonight to swim in the pool. Poor guy is going to be pretty disappointed when we show up at a business park for an indoor pool in a room with 9 foot ceilings ;-) He's packed his backpack and even put on his own shirt for the first time, I didn't have the heart to tell him it is on backwards and will probably let him go to the pool that way.
Here are some fun pics and a video of our day together in a rare warm Oregon spring day.
Enjoying string cheese on the front porch!
Looking like a big boy in his new size 3T athletic shorts.
Happy face!
One of the joys of living in the country with a boy! This kid can pee anywhere!
Four month bump!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Random Bits and Pics
First, congrats to my friend Sandy! She was diagnosed with MS just over a year ago. She has put her endless energy to work and raised over $4000 for the Walk for MS with her team the Gingell Gang. We all braved near freezing temps at Pioneer Courthouse Square this morning in her support in the 5K walk. Beautiful sunny day but darn cold for April 4!!
We have truly enjoyed every minute with Carson this past week! He is absolutely a HAM and loves to crack you up, entertain you and act for you. The things he says and does are just a riot!
He is obsessed with "bad guys" and points them out everywhere. I've deduced that his selection and definition of bad guys has something to do with eyes and color. If he can't see someone's eyes (in a picture), they are a bad guy. Or if they are frowning, they are a bad guy. It's quite funny.

He seems to think he also has a "baby boy" in his tummy. It's quite funny to listen to him tell us what his baby is doing in there. Sometimes it's playing, sometimes it's sleeping, and other days it's eating. Here's Carson's baby bump.
Speaking of new baby, I've been waiting not-so-patiently for him to kick. I'm learning it's very hard not to compare the 2nd to the 1st. The books say Mom's often feel the 2nd baby sooner. So, again, I've laid in bed very still all week waiting for it to happen, since that's how it happened with Carson.
He is also been super lovey for the last month or more. We get to hear "I love you too" all the time. The funny thing about it is that is his version of "I love you". So many times throughout the day he will just look at one of us and say, "I love you too Mommy" or Daddy or Nana or Jackson.
He also loves his friends. He tells us constantly that Jackson is his friend. I am his friend. Ian is his friend.
He also loves his friends. He tells us constantly that Jackson is his friend. I am his friend. Ian is his friend.
He is obsessed with "bad guys" and points them out everywhere. I've deduced that his selection and definition of bad guys has something to do with eyes and color. If he can't see someone's eyes (in a picture), they are a bad guy. Or if they are frowning, they are a bad guy. It's quite funny.
He ate Eggo Waffles for breakfast and dinner every day this week.
At my mom and sister's joint birthday dinner, Nana came out of the bathroom with a look of shocked amusement on her face. Apparently Carson had just told her "you have a 'gina' Nana and Poppa has a big penis". I told her we are trying to teach him the proper terminology after my "free-ballin'" mistake. However I have never made any reference to proper sizing ;-)
We are having a slight issue with "skidmarks". After recovering from the two week Miralax disaster, Carson has to change his underpants 2-3 times a day because of skidmarks. I have no idea what to do and am slightly amused that my son comes to me and says, "Me change underpants, me have skidmark". I'm still learning about proper terminology. Is there really such thing for a skidmark?
We are having a slight issue with "skidmarks". After recovering from the two week Miralax disaster, Carson has to change his underpants 2-3 times a day because of skidmarks. I have no idea what to do and am slightly amused that my son comes to me and says, "Me change underpants, me have skidmark". I'm still learning about proper terminology. Is there really such thing for a skidmark?
After one full week of NO BINKIE, Carson no longer asks for it and we are loving being binkie free. However there was a trade-off. It now takes him 30-45 minutes to fall asleep at night. And unfortunately, if he wakes up early in the morning, there is nothing to help him fall back asleep so he is UP.
After one full week of NO BINKIE, Carson no longer asks for it and we are loving being binkie free. However there was a trade-off. It now takes him 30-45 minutes to fall asleep at night. And unfortunately, if he wakes up early in the morning, there is nothing to help him fall back asleep so he is UP.
This is quite unfortunate because it's usually about 6 am. Fortunately he does respect the Good Nite Lite still and knows he can't come out until it turns into orange sun at 6:45. Unfortunately, he has to pee right when he wakes up. I make him go back in his room and play quietly after using the toilet. Sort of feels like we're torturing him but I do also think it's good for him to learn to play quietly by himself. Especially with a new baby arriving in the fall.
This is quite unfortunate because it's usually about 6 am. Fortunately he does respect the Good Nite Lite still and knows he can't come out until it turns into orange sun at 6:45. Unfortunately, he has to pee right when he wakes up. I make him go back in his room and play quietly after using the toilet. Sort of feels like we're torturing him but I do also think it's good for him to learn to play quietly by himself. Especially with a new baby arriving in the fall.
We took Baby Bump pics and Carson wanted to be part of it too. Here he's modeling his sweats, which is OBSESSED with. Puts them on the minute we get home, sleeps in them, and I have to fight to get them off him in the morning. I do have a few rules, one of which is NO sweats outside the home. He hates me for it. He'll thank me later.
Speaking of new baby, I've been waiting not-so-patiently for him to kick. I'm learning it's very hard not to compare the 2nd to the 1st. The books say Mom's often feel the 2nd baby sooner. So, again, I've laid in bed very still all week waiting for it to happen, since that's how it happened with Carson.
This little guy though decided to make his debut when I was at work hunched over my desk. I think I had completely squished him to the point of discomfort because I didn't just feel a light kick but instead thought my insides were being pummeled by a kick-boxer using all four limbs. It was wonderful!
I am probably a little too obsessed with my weight gain this time around. As most of you know, I am extremely competitive. Sick really. So this is almost like a race to me. I know what I did in my last race, aka, pregnancy. And now I have to better my P.R.
So I begin most mornings with my nemesis, the scale. I have a fit when the house keeper moves it to mop the floor and always ac use him of tampering with it when the scale weighs heavy the next day. I have not eaten for two because that is a common fallacy.
HOWEVER, I did use that as my blatant excuse to have two helpings of dessert at my mom and sister's birthday dinner. In my defense, I made the most amazing "Molten Lava Chocolate Cake". I am not a cook so this was a huge accomplishment and I was quite proud, it was quite yummy, and therefore I felt entitled to eat Carson's serving when he left it at the table. The scale was quite mean to me the next day.
I have been back at Baby Boot Camp for three weeks now. So glad to be working out again and enjoying the inspired punishment of my trainers. Interestingly though, I can't run up a hill without feeling winded, I'm embarrassingly slow, and I feel as though someone filled my uterus with concrete when I run or bounce. Although I walked every day throughout my pregnancy with Carson, I didn't run or lift weights. So this experience is quite new and humbling to say the least. Especially for an uber-competitive person.
As my friend Dar always tells me, "Just surrender Kristin"
So while I haven't quite surrendered to my weight gain, I will post for my fellow weight obsessed friends. I started at 123, dropped down to 120, and am now at 126. Not too bad for 17 weeks pregnant. By my rules, I've only gained 3 pounds. You can laugh at my theory but I look at the overall net gain so it doesn't count until I get back to my original weight.
I experienced my first pregnancy craving! I didn't have any cravings or aversions with Carson or B2 (so far). I do seem to want to eat a lot of fruit (same with Carson) but nothing too serious.
.Well yesterday in the car I had the MOST OVERWHELMING urge for a vanilla soft serve cone. It was so incredibly intense! I tried for a good 15 minutes to deny it, curb it, kill it. To no avail, it was like my car was on auto-pilot as it steered itself into a McDonald's drive through. $1.00 later I was in seventh heaven. Bad me.
The latest Baby Bump pics. I really don't feel that much bigger than my 12 week picture. However, my co-workers, my barista, and my maternity pants might tell a different story. Here I am at 17 weeks pregnant.

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