He is also been super lovey for the last month or more. We get to hear "I love you too" all the time. The funny thing about it is that is his version of "I love you". So many times throughout the day he will just look at one of us and say, "I love you too Mommy" or Daddy or Nana or Jackson.
He also loves his friends. He tells us constantly that Jackson is his friend. I am his friend. Ian is his friend.
He also loves his friends. He tells us constantly that Jackson is his friend. I am his friend. Ian is his friend.
He is obsessed with "bad guys" and points them out everywhere. I've deduced that his selection and definition of bad guys has something to do with eyes and color. If he can't see someone's eyes (in a picture), they are a bad guy. Or if they are frowning, they are a bad guy. It's quite funny.
He ate Eggo Waffles for breakfast and dinner every day this week.
At my mom and sister's joint birthday dinner, Nana came out of the bathroom with a look of shocked amusement on her face. Apparently Carson had just told her "you have a 'gina' Nana and Poppa has a big penis". I told her we are trying to teach him the proper terminology after my "free-ballin'" mistake. However I have never made any reference to proper sizing ;-)
We are having a slight issue with "skidmarks". After recovering from the two week Miralax disaster, Carson has to change his underpants 2-3 times a day because of skidmarks. I have no idea what to do and am slightly amused that my son comes to me and says, "Me change underpants, me have skidmark". I'm still learning about proper terminology. Is there really such thing for a skidmark?
We are having a slight issue with "skidmarks". After recovering from the two week Miralax disaster, Carson has to change his underpants 2-3 times a day because of skidmarks. I have no idea what to do and am slightly amused that my son comes to me and says, "Me change underpants, me have skidmark". I'm still learning about proper terminology. Is there really such thing for a skidmark?
After one full week of NO BINKIE, Carson no longer asks for it and we are loving being binkie free. However there was a trade-off. It now takes him 30-45 minutes to fall asleep at night. And unfortunately, if he wakes up early in the morning, there is nothing to help him fall back asleep so he is UP.
After one full week of NO BINKIE, Carson no longer asks for it and we are loving being binkie free. However there was a trade-off. It now takes him 30-45 minutes to fall asleep at night. And unfortunately, if he wakes up early in the morning, there is nothing to help him fall back asleep so he is UP.
This is quite unfortunate because it's usually about 6 am. Fortunately he does respect the Good Nite Lite still and knows he can't come out until it turns into orange sun at 6:45. Unfortunately, he has to pee right when he wakes up. I make him go back in his room and play quietly after using the toilet. Sort of feels like we're torturing him but I do also think it's good for him to learn to play quietly by himself. Especially with a new baby arriving in the fall.
This is quite unfortunate because it's usually about 6 am. Fortunately he does respect the Good Nite Lite still and knows he can't come out until it turns into orange sun at 6:45. Unfortunately, he has to pee right when he wakes up. I make him go back in his room and play quietly after using the toilet. Sort of feels like we're torturing him but I do also think it's good for him to learn to play quietly by himself. Especially with a new baby arriving in the fall.
We took Baby Bump pics and Carson wanted to be part of it too. Here he's modeling his sweats, which is OBSESSED with. Puts them on the minute we get home, sleeps in them, and I have to fight to get them off him in the morning. I do have a few rules, one of which is NO sweats outside the home. He hates me for it. He'll thank me later.
Speaking of new baby, I've been waiting not-so-patiently for him to kick. I'm learning it's very hard not to compare the 2nd to the 1st. The books say Mom's often feel the 2nd baby sooner. So, again, I've laid in bed very still all week waiting for it to happen, since that's how it happened with Carson.
This little guy though decided to make his debut when I was at work hunched over my desk. I think I had completely squished him to the point of discomfort because I didn't just feel a light kick but instead thought my insides were being pummeled by a kick-boxer using all four limbs. It was wonderful!
I am probably a little too obsessed with my weight gain this time around. As most of you know, I am extremely competitive. Sick really. So this is almost like a race to me. I know what I did in my last race, aka, pregnancy. And now I have to better my P.R.
So I begin most mornings with my nemesis, the scale. I have a fit when the house keeper moves it to mop the floor and always ac use him of tampering with it when the scale weighs heavy the next day. I have not eaten for two because that is a common fallacy.
HOWEVER, I did use that as my blatant excuse to have two helpings of dessert at my mom and sister's birthday dinner. In my defense, I made the most amazing "Molten Lava Chocolate Cake". I am not a cook so this was a huge accomplishment and I was quite proud, it was quite yummy, and therefore I felt entitled to eat Carson's serving when he left it at the table. The scale was quite mean to me the next day.
I have been back at Baby Boot Camp for three weeks now. So glad to be working out again and enjoying the inspired punishment of my trainers. Interestingly though, I can't run up a hill without feeling winded, I'm embarrassingly slow, and I feel as though someone filled my uterus with concrete when I run or bounce. Although I walked every day throughout my pregnancy with Carson, I didn't run or lift weights. So this experience is quite new and humbling to say the least. Especially for an uber-competitive person.
As my friend Dar always tells me, "Just surrender Kristin"
So while I haven't quite surrendered to my weight gain, I will post for my fellow weight obsessed friends. I started at 123, dropped down to 120, and am now at 126. Not too bad for 17 weeks pregnant. By my rules, I've only gained 3 pounds. You can laugh at my theory but I look at the overall net gain so it doesn't count until I get back to my original weight.
I experienced my first pregnancy craving! I didn't have any cravings or aversions with Carson or B2 (so far). I do seem to want to eat a lot of fruit (same with Carson) but nothing too serious.
.Well yesterday in the car I had the MOST OVERWHELMING urge for a vanilla soft serve cone. It was so incredibly intense! I tried for a good 15 minutes to deny it, curb it, kill it. To no avail, it was like my car was on auto-pilot as it steered itself into a McDonald's drive through. $1.00 later I was in seventh heaven. Bad me.
The latest Baby Bump pics. I really don't feel that much bigger than my 12 week picture. However, my co-workers, my barista, and my maternity pants might tell a different story. Here I am at 17 weeks pregnant.

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