The complaints started rolling in this week. My Blog is suffering from a lack of updating and only one person is to blame, my client Jean. She gave me a series of books that are like being addicted to drugs. The first one was free and now I can't stop!!
The Twighlight series has taken over my life. I read in every spare moment and a few not-so-spare moments. Meaning, everything else is taking a backseat until I get to the end of the 4th book. I promised Jeremy to take at least two days off in between books. The blog is suffering, my work is suffering, my household chores are not getting done. Our housekeeper picked a terrible week to call in sick.
I dream of vampires and werewolves. I see them walking in the street. I am obessesed!
Back to reality, here are some catch up pics from the last few weeks!
A few more from Easter first:
Family pic of Easter at Judy & Joe's
Grandpa Rader too! Sadly Grandma Rader had to work and we all missed her food sorely!
Easter with the Bride Tribe a week later. It was also Cousin Thomas' 1st birthday so we were finally able to take a pic of the whole Rader family together!

Carson really wanting to help "baby Thomas" as he calls him.

Great Grandpa Cliff with his 4 great grandkids! Tatum 11, Ashlynn 7 months, Thomas 1, Carson almost 3.

Skip forward two weeks to April 30: We flew to California for a family friend's wedding. Nice short flight but that DVD player sure makes the trip easier! I purchased "kid friendly" headphones 6 months ago . . . we didn't discover until our trip to Hawaii that kid friendly simply means the volume is so safely low that you can't hear it.
So I upgraded him to real headphones for this trip. Only to discover that kid friendly also means smaller. These gigantic headphones didn't quite fit so I had to make a slight modification . . . stuffed his spare Lightening McQueen unpants in there. Perfect!

Rehearsal dinner: the ringbearer and the flowergirl . . . love at first sight!

Burning off energy in-between rehearsals . . . no nap for a toddler means a LONG day for everyone else.

Two VERY overtired wedding party members. Once again, the DVD player came in very handy. This kept them from crawling under tables, pulling tableclothes off, and chaos in general. No spare underpants so this time a napkin had to suffice.

The day of the wedding. Carson's tux debut!

May I have your hand?

Oh man! She just won't let me go!

I'm not sure about this but she is really cute.

Bump pic!

The lovely Kuntz ladies
The Rader Fam in their finest!

Killing time before the wedding

Candy, candy, candy!

What else do you have in your baggie?

Thank you Gillian! You're the best!

Look how clean we stayed! We tortured our parents for the hours for the ceremony but they managed to keep us out of the dirt.

Should I pose like this?

Doing our best to get dirty.

Dum, dum, dum du-dum!

Keep your eyes on the ground.

Phew! All done!
Jacket off, comfy shoes and an unattended golf cart! What more could a boy ask for!
Post wedding: I've never stayed up this late . . . mom and dad gave in with one last video to keep me from melting down.
The terrible 2's came early and left early. We've enjoyed most of the last 9 months with a fun, funny, mostly cooperative, considerate Carson. Unfortunately the awful 3's also arrived early. We're doing our best to deal with Carson's new attitude. He "shoots" us when he gets mad and spends time-outs in his room daily.
We even had to take away Superman for 24 hours. That worked GREAT! We are going to use the favorite item time-out more often as it seemed much more effective than Carson time-outs.
Not much to report other than the time is FLYING by! 22.5 weeks pregnant and up 10 pounds. Still working out 3-5 days a week. Running is getting harder on my belly so I'm borrowing a support belt to keep going. Other than that, I feel fantastic! No complaints!
At my 22 week midwife appointment, Keaton measured 22 weeks so I'm a little less stressed about him being big. Heart rate of 140, very close to his brother's at that time. He is a KICKER, MOVER, & SHAKER. All the time. You can watch my tummy at night and it looks like I'm popping popcorn inside with all the blips and twitches. Quite entertaining.
Our remodel is dragging out and we haven't even begun construction. At this rate, it's another 3-5 months before we even start work and that is definitely adding to the stress level of the chaos that will ensue this September! Wish us luck and invite us over for dinner!
Too funny about the Twilight books. I just finished book 4 last week, after reading all four books within 2 1/2 weeks. I was obsessively reading every chance I got, even during DEAR time at school. I finally have my life back now that I'm done with the series!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear that someone else was "bitten" by the twilight bug. Here is the problem. When you are done with these books....NOTHING else will hold your attention. Well that is what happened with me. Happy to hear all is going well with you.