Carson routinely wakes up at 6 am (or earlier) these days. He isn't allowed out of his room until 6:30 except to pee. That 30 minutes of unsupervised play has turned into "Me get dressed Mommy".
Independent dressing is facinating and extremely entertaining.
Independent dressing is facinating and extremely entertaining.
Most times he comes out in shorts and a shirt that actually match pretty darn well. That must be credit to his father's slightly Metro genes.
And then thanks to me, the rest of it comes out looking like he dressed on a drunken binge in the dark.
This morning, I nearly peed myself laughing. All of his outgrown clothes are temporarily stored in the closet until they make it to the barn (for baby Keaton as we tell Carson). This moring he came out, after clearly ransacking the storage closet, and proclaimed, "This is NOT for baby boy any more."
Note the twisted shorts, superhero mask, and tacky brown socks . . . oh and as I typing, he just added cowboy boots!
Yesterday, he choose his new soccer oufit and black socks (yes, Nana, much to my chagrin, he broke the black sock rule). Later in the day he added a superhero mask and cowboy boots.
And the "piece de resistance" . . . this is how I found Carson in the living room after he spent too long in my closet.

Thanks to Tiffany for providing much needed censorship.
Last and completely unrelated but too cute not to post, Carson and Kinley enjoying the first ride of the season on Carson's gator. Their giggles were infectious!
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