Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well I nearly made it to 7 months pregnant (tomorrow) running, albeit slower and with more walking breaks. But yesterday during my Baby Boot Camp work out, I was stopped in mid-stride by a very ODD and unnerving feeling. It, no kidding here, felt like Keaton was literally going to fall right out of me. To the point where I crossed my legs . . . just in case.

I paused, walked a few steps, and then tried running again. No good. It felt like someone was dropping a bowling ball on my cervix and trying to push it on out. Not good.

As competitive as I am and determined to keep running throughout this pregnancy, I also know that if I push it, I'll end up on bedrest and/or worse. Admitting that running is over is not easy.

I even called the midwife to check out my options. "Chill out, back off" were the last words I wanted to hear.

I tried again this morning. Ran for 5 minutes on the treadmill and those awful sensations began again. Double ugh.

So I am now resigned to walking. So not happy. Increased the incline on the treadmill to get my heartrate up. So frustrating.

But as my friend Dar always tells me, "Just surrender Kristin".

My white flag (with the running shoe on it) is cocked at half mast. I'll give it one more shot tomorrow and then surrender.

12 weeks to go. 12 weeks of walking and weight lifting . . . Keaton, are you listening?! At least let me do that!

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