Friday, July 10, 2009

And Finally, Keaton Update

Work has been INCREDIBLY busy. I'm working 12-14 hour days. Getting up at 5 am just to sneak in a work-out since I haven't been able to make it to BBC. I love my job but sometimes feel a little sad when my family has to take a backseat.

So here I am, 4 blog posts in one night, finally caught up. Please be sure to check them all out!

Today is Carson's 3rd birthday! Hard to believe 3 years ago we were at St. V's giving birth to our first child. And now we are in countdown mode for Keaton's arrival.

I am 31 weeks pregnant and reaaaaly hoping for an early delivery. REALLY.

Saw my midwife last week for my 30 week appointment and when I confessed to the crazy weird pressures that I feel daily (you know the one that feels like Keaton is actually falling out and I cross my legs to keep him in), she insisted on checking me out.

The good news is that I'm okay. Only 1 centimeter dilated which is perfectly normal for a second pregnancy. Cervix is thinning but she didn't assign any values to it. The thing causing the odd sensations is extreme "pelvic relaxation".

Fortunately Keaton is still head down and sitting up on the top of the pelvic bones. He's not putting any pressure on my cervix just yet. As a precaution, my midwife did the test that determines if you are going to deliver in the next two weeks. Fortunately it came back negative.

I'm measuring right on track. However, I'm having trouble controlling my weight gain now that I am not allowed to run or do high impact exercise. Also two three day weekends/vacations didn't help either, aka I ate, ate, and ate some more. I'm up 14-15 pounds depending on the day. Not bad, and still better than I did with Carson.

Midwife clearly is not an exerciser because she always looks at me like I'm nuts when I beg to be able to run again. When she threatened me with cutting out all exercise, I promised to take it as easy as I could.

With Carson I was tortured with bedrest at week 35 . . . we'll see what this baby brings!

Still no nursery. I did show up at Segal's and tried to buy the letters of Keaton's name for his wall. However, the sales lady who was helping me asked a very valid question, "What color is his room?"

Duh. I'm really not thinking clearly. No color picked out yet. Sales lady kindly pointed out the error in my ways. I admited defeat and went to another section of the store, determined to find something to buy.

Sadly Segal's stopped carrying the line of baby books that I had purchased for Carson. More frustration and inability to buy something.

So to cash out my sorrows, I ordered the RIDICULOUSLY expensive ottoman to go with our nursery chair. It should arrive in 3-5 weeks. Maybe that will motivate me to get the room started??

Our remodel still doesn't have a start date which is contributing to my lack of motivation for prepping the nursery. Hopefully we'll know a little more in the next few weeks. But the timing really couldn't be worse.

People have changed their line of pregnancy questioning recently.

First trimester: nobody knows so no questions.

Second trimester: baby bump becomes more obvious. Questions such as, "How are you feeling? Is this #1 or #2? Do you know what you're having?"

Third trimester: Suddenly your belly preceeds you and people stare unabashedly, no doubt wondering if their new carpet is safe from the sudden gush of water they seem to be expecting. The question is now very pointed, "When ARE you due? As in, are you sure you aren't going to be going into labor tomorrow, or perhaps should have yesterday?

I fear the next question will be, "Are you expecting twins?"

To end on a note of hilarity, I received my final fitting for my BRIDESMAID dress for next week. Oh yes, I will be a lovely, empire waisted vision in Victorian Lilac at 32 weeks preggo. A sight to behold and not for the faint of heart!

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