Tuesday, September 08, 2009

My boys!

Thank you to all for your support and kind words from my last blog post. The new antibiotic is working much better and I am feeling much more like myself again!

Keaton, following in the footsteps of his older brother, is having a bit of a rough transition to formula. Constipation seems to be the name of the game. Since Carson is a life-long member of the Mirilax club, it just seems to make sense that Keaton will be joining him. Hopefully things start "moving" sooner than later.
Fast asleep on the couch!
Big brother was a bit jealous of the pics of Keaton (we are the awful second time around parents that aren't taking nearly as many pictures so we were trying to catch up this weekend). Carson, who normally runs from the camera, insisted on Daddy taking close-ups of him.
Trying to get them both in the same picture

We are such terrible parents! This is Keaton's FIRST bath and he'll be 3 weeks old tomorrow. Come to think of it, Carson had a bath last night for the first time in . . . .??
And this is how he earned his first official nickname tonight, Monkey!
Saturday night Keaton met Eloise. It was love at first sight for Eloise who thought this little guy was better than any doll she could ever wish for. However, when asked if she wanted a baby sister or brother, she solemnly shook her head NO.

1 comment:

  1. I love Carson's T-shirt! I am also glad to read that you are doing much better. Let me know if you need anything! We love you:)


How Old is Carson?

How Old is Keaton?