What kind of mom packs ONE pair of shoes for a trip to the beach for a four year old boy? DUH!
Yet another nomination for lousy mother-of-the-year!We are blessed with a family beach house in Lincoln City that we grossly under-use!
We packed up the troops and their endless gear (by the way, it's just as much crap for one night as it is for three) and met Jer's dad and his wife for a quick and fun weekend.
Are we having fun yet? Can Daddy actually see out the back? Should Mommy be wondering if there is actually a bug in the bug watch on Carson's wrist??

Grandpa Rader and his precious grandsons!
Freeeeeezzzing and beautiful view!
Grandma & Grandpa Rader
This is a man-bag? So does it clash with my gloves?
I make this look WORK!
Chalking up for a game of pool!
Almost ready to play!
Not to be left out, we broke the house rules so everyone could feel involved!
Why don't I get a giant stick like Carson did??
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