Sunday, November 09, 2008

Spoiled Rotten

Lucky little boy! Carson gets to take monthly rides on Aunt Liza's horse. Here's a few pics!

Potty Training Update:
We had a regression last week. Every night was a battle of wills to get Carson to sit on his potty. We let it slide. Plus, I think that the hardest part of potty training (with our current method) is that WE forget to take him in to use the potty.
So we're trying a new method! The last two evenings we've let Carson run, play, and eat diaperless and pantless. It's working great!! No accidents yet and he goes to the potty on his own. This morning it's a little chilly so we've opted for pants but no diapers. So far so good!
This may call for the long awaited trip to Target for the big boy underpants! Very, very exciting!! Especially since we just dropped another $50 on diapers!!

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How Old is Carson?

How Old is Keaton?