Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Delayed Sibling Jealousy

Where, oh where, did our sweet Carson go? He has been replaced by a blond haired, blue eyed raging, bi-polar monster.

The last few weeks have been awful. Just plain awful.

Crying, lots of crying. Arms crossed, head down.

NO! NOOOOOO! NO! Lots of NO's.

Many incidents of "wet noodle", for those not familiar with this phenomenon, a 35 pound boy collapses on the floor in an attempt to delay time-out. It is getting increasing difficult to pick him up like a sack of potatoes and carry him up a flight of stairs. Nor is it fun.

There have been two spankings. One from each of us. It was a last resort but got results. Not fun. For anyone.

We are pretty sure the root cause is jealousy. We are both very busy with work. Keaton gets a lot of attention. We're neck-deep in the remodel. And have very, very little patience left.

So the easiest way to get attention, even if it is negative, is to act out.

So this week, we're trying a new tactic. Actually an old tactic but remembering to use it is key.

Stay calm. Ignore the offensive behavior. Or just say, "Oh bummer, looks like you need some alone time in your room".

AND paying more attention to Carson. Playing with toys, reading books, putting puzzles together.

Leaving the laundry in the basket, the dishes in the sink, and dinner will be a little late.

There just isn't enough time in the day to get it all done. But they are only young once and I would hate to miss out on it because you don't get that time back.

I know life will get easier. Things will balance out.

And already our sweet, loving Carson is getting back to his cute self.

1 comment:

  1. I know what that is like. I have a 14y boy and 17mo girl and they both have jealousy. Hope your little Carson get better soon.


How Old is Carson?

How Old is Keaton?