Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Week 21- Let's Go Streaking!

Nothing makes Carson happier than being naked! In fact, I think he would prefer it if we never dressed him at all. Today up in the hills we enjoyed a white winter wonderland with snow and endured the chilly 32 degree weather. In spite of this, Carson enjoyed his naked time in the living room, actually only getting fussy when we finally put a diaper on him (dog pee is no longer the only kind of urine on the carpet!).

Anonymous Centerfold Submission for Cutest Buttocks of the Year Award

Enjoying "tummy time" much more while naked. Happily peeing on blanket while Mommy is snapping pictures.
Screeching with delight, which is the only way to describe the sounds that come from Carson these days.
Look at me!! I'm still naked!
Hold on there buckaroo!
Loving the Jumpaoo!
Bouncing so high his hand is still in mid-air while he gathers his legs "Tigger" style underneath for more bounce!
Actually cracking himself up as he often does.
Poor, poor big brother Jackson is a little miffed at all the attention that Naked Carson is getting. He decided to hide behind the curtains with a really sad face.

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