Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not so Green St. Paddy's Day

So far I have been a total flop as a mom for St. Patrick’s Day. I’m hearing of all these other moms who planted evidence of the leprechaun’s late night escapades, sprinkling green glitter, hiding gold chocolate coins, setting leprechaun traps, green pancakes.

I am feeling pretty badly so I think our naughty leprechaun might make an appearance tonight, he’s a bit delayed by Santa’s sleigh, wait, no that’s not right either!
Let’s hope I get this mothering stuff down by the time Carson loses his first tooth. I can’t mess up the tooth fairy!!

On a cute note, poor Keaton had nothing green so I pinned a green glittery shamrock on his shirt. Upon removing his jacket in the “pre-tods” room this morning, the pre-tods descended upon him like zombies from night of the living dead. It was quite a sight as they all toddled over, arms outstretched, all clawing at Keaton to take his shamrock. Keaton was outraged that his friends would turn on him like that and clutched it as tight as he could, making his best “mean eyes” at them.

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